2011/2012 School Year
1st Mar 2012
Knockloughrim Primary School's Soccer Team got the 2012 season off to a magnificent...
1st Mar 2012
Thursday 1st March was World Book Day and we had great fun dressing up as characters...
21st Feb 2012
P3 and 4 had great fun making pancakes today!We weighed out all the ingredients carefully...
15th Feb 2012
P3 and 4 held a medieval banquet to celebrate the end of their castle topic. We had...
15th Feb 2012
P1 and P2 had a fantastic time with Fizz Wizz Pop. She taught us all circus tricks....
24th Jan 2012
P1 and P2 have been busy finding out all about the circus! We have already been doing...
- All
- Accelerated Reading
- After School
- Breakfast Club
- Eco Schools
- Homepage
- JDO ICT Project
- Miss Burton (P3/P4)
- Miss Millar (P2/P3)
- Mr Montgomery (P6/P7)
- Mrs Clarke (P1/P2)
- Mrs Rodgers (P5/P6)
- Parents' News
- Pupil School Council
- Pupils Newspaper
- Pushkin Trust
- School Events
- School Trips
- Shared Education
- Sporting Events
- Windmill Afterschool Club