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Knockloughrim Primary School, Knockloughrim, Magherafelt

News - Miss Millar (P2/P3)

2023/2024 School Year

8th Feb 2024
Today P2/3 celebrated their 100th day of learning this academic year.   The...
6th Feb 2024
As part of Internet Safety Day P2/3 looked at the changes in technology.  ...
6th Feb 2024
P2/3 are enjoying learning about our new topic ‘Into The Wild’.  ...
22nd Nov 2023
Yesterday P2/3 had their final Shared Education session for this year with their...
17th Nov 2023
Today we had a visit from Melvyn to tell us about his job as a plumber.  ...
13th Nov 2023
We had another brilliant morning with our friends from St Brigid’s.  ...
12th Nov 2023
This week P2/3 celebrated Anti-Bullying week with Odd Sock Day.   We learnt...
7th Nov 2023
P2/3 enjoyed the first of their Shared Education sessions today. Together with...
20th Oct 2023
This week P2/3 celebrated Maths Week.  The children enjoyed practical problem...
20th Oct 2023
Today Paul came to visit P2/3 to tell us about his job as a builder. He showed...