Genevieve the healthy goat visits KPS

Children at Knockloughrim PS were thrilled to get a surprise visit from a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed goat called Genevieve on Wednesday the 24th of September.
Genevieve is the star of Genevieve and the Farmyard Olympics, Cancer Focus Northern Ireland’s fun, educational book for young children, delivered in partnership with Lidl Northern Ireland. The book shows P1 and P2 children how to eat healthily and keep active.
Last year Genevieve was extremely busy, visiting more than 100 primary schools and seeing over 7,000 P1 and P2 children across Northern Ireland. She hopes to pop in to many more schools this year – and teachers who would like her to visit can get in touch with Cancer Focus to arrange a date.
Clare Smith, Cancer Focus Manager for Schools and Young People, said: “The story of Genevieve and her friends gives healthy lifestyle messages to children at an age when they’re most receptive.
“Poor nutrition and lack of physical activity can lead to obesity and a greater risk of cancers and other serious health conditions. However, experts believe that around a third of all cancer deaths could be prevented by improved nutrition.
“Genevieve and the Farmyard Olympics enable us to bring key health messages to local primary school children in an enjoyable and interactive way. We want to lower children’s future risk of cancer through the positive messages of eating well and taking regular exercise – it’s about making the healthy option the fun option!”
Genevieve and the Farmyard Olympics is part of Cancer Focus’s Schools Health Education Package (SHEP) for P1-P7 children. Would your pupils like to meet Genevieve or take part in another part of the package? Then please call Colene Gallagher on 028 9068 0730 or email
The Cancer Focus Schools Package is provided in partnership with Lidl NI.