About Knockloughrim Parent & Teacher Association:
Welcome to Knockloughrim Primary School PTA. Our PTA is organised on a voluntary basis by parents/guardians/carers of children in the school and by school staff.
All parents, carers, guardians and staff are automatically members of Knockloughrim PTA and are welcome and encouraged to attend any or all of our meetings.
Knockloughrim PS PTA is a fully insured and registered PTA and charity and works solely to raise funds for Knockloughrim Primary School, primarily by staging fundraising events, which are used to enrich our children's learning by providing additional resources which are not available within the capacity of the normal school budget.
In the 2020/21 academic year, Knockloughrim PTA raised in excess of £3000 for our school. This is a vital source of income that ALL our children directly benefit from – if you want to have your say in where this money is allocated to benefit YOUR children – PLEASE GET INVOLVED !!
Our PTA also organises non-profit events with the purpose of bringing parents/guardians/carers into the school and involving them in the school community.
Our PTA committee, is elected annually at the AGM and they run the meetings and coordinate the events. In September our parents met and elected the following post holders to the PTA Committee for 2021-22:
Chairperson: Mrs Lynn Shiels
Vice Chairpersons: Mrs Nadine Kirkpatrick and Mr Mark Kelly
Secretary: Mrs Jeanette Palmer
Treasurer: Mrs Tracy Paul
If you are a parent/guardian/carer of a child at Knockloughrim Primary School we would really like you to feel that you have something to contribute to our PTA, no matter how big or small, we don't ask everyone to attend every meeting but it would be ideal if someone from each family could attend to help keep open ideas and communication of up and coming events. This year we will also be in direct contact with parents through our school email system. Nevertheless if you have an idea to share or time to spare please feel free to get in touch.